Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/481

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could be moved to abandon their error — ^men like Hedio and Ambrose Blaurer; but the others would only become worse and there would be more disturbance afterwards, as it happened after the Leipsic Disputation/ Moreover, it is not a good thing that the landgrave should have much to do with the Zwinglian3; as it is, he is fonder of them than is good. For the subject is one that makes trouble for clever people — ^and such a one is the Landgrave — ^and a man's reason readily takes hold of what it can grasp, especially if learned people agree to it and make out a plausible case from the Scriptures; and there are many learned men among the adherents of Zwingli. But this matter means much to me, and I have studied it as much as I could, and insist that I will never in my life agree with the Strassburgers, and I know that what Zwingli and his followers write about the sacrament is not true.

831. LUTHER TO THE ELECTOR JOHN OF SAXONY. De Wette, iii, 454. German. Wiftenberg, May 22, 1529.

Grace and peace in Christ, serene, highborn Prince, gracious Lord. Among other news which Master Philip has brought me from the diet is the report that a new alliance ' is on foot, especially between his Grace, the Landgrave of Hesse, and certain cities. The report has disturbed me not a little since I burned my fingers a year ago,* when, by a miracle of grace, God delivered us from the other perilous alliance. Though I hope that God will continue to have us in His keeping and will give your Grace His Spirit and counsel him to beware henceforth of such alliances, nevertheless, because I am over- anxious, and because my conscience compels me, I cannot help writing your Grace about the matter, since I have learned by experience that one cannot be too diligent in anticipating Satan and his evil desires. Christ our Lord will grant our prayer that even though the langrave proceed with the making of alliances (which may God forbid!), your Grace will not

iQf 1519.

  • On Luther's view of a previous alliance of the kind vide supra, no. 793. This

new alliance had actually been concluded, April 22. The parties to it were the landgrave, the Elector of Saxony, and the cities of Strassburg, Nuremberg and Ulra.

■/.#., in the Pack conspiracy.

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