Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/491

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those who now think that a scholar cannot get a living will again keep their sons in school.

If some of the scholars who are trained in these schools take service and hold office in the dominions of other princes, and the objection is made that you are training people for other lords, it must be remembered that this does no harm, for, beyond a doubt, these men will promote the founding and endowment of schools in the lands of other princes and peoples, etc.

This is the advice that, in my little wisdom, I have desired to give your Grace. God grant your Grace His Holy Spirit to improve on all this, and in all things perfectly to do His will. Amen.

Your Grace's obedient servant, Martin Luther.


Enders, vii, 139. WrrrENBERG, July 31, isag.

Briesmaim or Brismann (1488-1549), a Franciscan, became ac- quainted with Luther during a six-year residence at Wittenberg, 1513-19. In 1519 he went to G>ttbus, but was driven out because of his Lutheran views. In 1522-23 he was again at Wittenberg, going to Prussia in 1523 as an evangelical preacher. He was at Riga 1527-31, and at Konigsberg 1531-46. He was one of the founders of the University of Konigsberg and its vice-chancellor from its foundation until his death.

. . . The Landgrave of Hesse has summoned us to Mar- burg on Michaelmas,^ in the attempt to bring about an agree- ment between us and the sacramentarians. Though Philip and I refused to go, and held back vainly, we were at last com- pelled by his shameless insistence ' to promise we would come.*

^ September 29.

  • ImprobitaU,

■Luther and Melanchthon had promised to ffo in a letter to Philip of July 8, Enderi, vii, 128; Erlangen, Ivi (not liv, as quoted in Enders), no. 840. On tldnk- ing it over he became pretty angry about it, and just about this time sent a very strong letter to the Elector John, telling him not to conclude any alliance with men who thought differently, either seditious Munzerites, or sacramenta- rians or Anabaptists or doubters of the Trinity, like Erasmus. None, says he, has oppressed the sacramentarians but we; the papists were overwhelmed by them. Letter in De Wette, iii, 465!?., and registered Enders, vii, no, with the wrong date, end of May, in both. Schubert has shown that the letter has allusions to one written by the landgrave on July iS, published by J. J. Mailer: Historie von der evangtluhchen Stand ProUstation, 1705, and must, therefore, have been written about the end of July or beginning of Auguat ZKG^ xzlx, 375,

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