Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/83

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A breathing after the Sabbath of Rest.

<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 2/2 \key g \major \autoBeamOff \override = #'classical \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up \partial 4 
  d | g b d4. g,8 | fis ([g]) a ([g]) g4. fis8 |
  e4 fis8 ([g]) a ([b]) a ([g]) | fis4 d (d) fis | g8 ([a]) b4 e,4. g8 |
  fis8 ([a]) b ([a]) d4 \stemDown b | e4. d8 cis ([d cis]) b \stemNeutral | a4 e r4 e' |
  e4. fis8 g4 d | d8. [e16 d8.] c16 b4 e | a a8 ([g]) fis ([g fis]) e |
  d4 a r4 r8 fis'8 | g4. fis8 e4. d8 | d [e d8.] c16 b4. c8 |
  d ([e]) \stemDown d([ \stemUp g,]) \stemNeutral b4. c8 | a4 g g2~( | g2 g4) r4 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { In this World's Inn Who lodge there -- in can find no rest nor chear -- ing; Man's Glo -- ries fall his Act -- ings all  will soon be dis -- ap -- pear -- ing. But he that will in qui -- et still in God's pure Love So -- lace him shall sure -- ly find him al -- ways kind and e -- ver -- more em -- brace him.}
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key g \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
  r4 | r d g b | d c b b, |
  c b cis a | \stemUp d8 \stemNeutral a d4 d d' | b g c a |
  d4. c8 b4. g8  | e4 gis a e | a4. (b8) a4 e8 [d] |
  c4 c' b8 [a] b [c] | b8. [c16 b8.] a16 g4 g | fis a d, a |
  d4. (e8) d4 a | b g c e | fis d g8 [e d c] | 
  b4 fis \stemUp g8[ \stemDown d'] \stemNeutral e [c] | d4 g-2 b8. [c16 b8. a16] | g4 g, g r  } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

In this World's Inn Who lodge therein
can find no rest nor chearing;
Man's Glories fall his Actings all
will soon be disappearing.
But he that will in quiet still
in God's pure Love Solace him
shall surely find him always kind
and evermore embrace him.