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I have just told you that day after to-morrow is the day of gifts. The nobles are plotting a surprise for Fabiani; and I am plotting in my turn. The Queen, perchance, is going to give herself a new favourite. I am going to give my child a doll.

[He takes a doll from under his cloak.

'Tis all new, also.—We shall see which of the two will break her doll first. God keep you, my friends!

Gilbert.Good-night, Joshua.

[Joshua walks away. Gilbert seizes Jane's hand and kisses it passionately.

Joshua [at the back of the stage.]Ah! how great is Providence! It gives to each his plaything: the doll to the child, the child to the man, the man to the woman, the woman to the devil!

Scene 3.—Gilbert, Jane.

Gilbert.I, too, must leave you. Good-night, my Jane. Sleep well.

Jane.You will not come in with me to-night, Gilbert?

Gilbert.I cannot. As I told you, Jane, I have some work to finish in my shop to-night. A dagger-hilt to carve for one Lord Clanbrassil, whom I have never seen, and who ordered it for to-morrow morning.

Jane.Good-night, then, Gilbert. Until to-morrow.

Gilbert.No, Jane—stay a moment. Great God! how hard it is for me to part from you, even for a few hours! How truly you are my joy and my life! But I must go and work; We are so poor! I must not go in with you, for I should stay; and yet I cannot leave you, weak creature that I am!