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Fabiani.Faith, you may remain if you choose. For you the fair sky, for me the fair maid. God be with you!

[He walks toward the door of the house, and is evidently on the point of opening it.

Gilbert.Where are you going?

Fabiani.Egad! into my house.

Gilbert.What! into your house?


Gilbert.Which of us two is dreaming? You told me a moment since that I killed the Jew, and now you tell me that this house is yours?

Fabiani.Or my mistress's, which comes to the same thing.

Gilbert.Repeat what you just said.

Fabiani.I say, my friend, since you insist upon knowing, that this is the house of a fair damsel named Jane, who is my mistress.

Gilbert.And I say, my lord, that you lie! I say that you are a liar and a murderer! I say that you are an impudent villain! I say that you have just uttered certain fatal words, whereof we shall both die—you for having uttered them, I for having heard them!

Fabiani.La! la! Who is this devil of a fellow?

Gilbert.I am Gilbert the carver. Jane is my betrothed.

Fabiani.And I am Sir Amyas Paulet. Jane is my mistress.

Gilbert.You lie, I tell you! You are Lord Clanbrassil, the Queen's favourite. Idiot, to think that I know not that!

Fabiani [aside.]Meseems that everybody knows