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The Queen [to Lord Chandos.]Let him be admitted.

Renard.The whole court also is in attendance. Shall any others be introduced before Lord Clanbrassil?

The Queen.Who among my nobles detest Fabiani?

Renard.All of them.

The Queen.But who detest him most?

Renard.Clinton, Montagu, Somerset, the Earl of Derby, Gerard Fitz-Gerard, Lord Paget, the Chancellor.

The Queen [to Lord Chandos.]Introduce all of these save the Lord Chancellor.

[Exit Chandos.

The excellent Chancellor-bishop loves Fabiani no more than the others do, but he is a man of scruples.

[She notices the papers which Gilbert placed upon the table.

Ah! I must glance at these papers.

[While she is examining them, the door at the back of the stage opens. Enter, with profound reverences, the noblemen designated by the Queen.

Scene 6.—The Same, Lord Clinton, and the other noblemen.

The Queen.Good-morrow, gentlemen. God have you in his keeping, my lords!

[To Lord Montagu.

Anthony Browne, I have not forgotten that you held your own worthily against Jean de Montmorency and the Sieur de Toulouse in my negotiations with my uncle the Emperor.—Lord Paget, you will receive to-day your letters patent as Baron Paget of