Page:Memoir of the Reverend David Wilson (1).pdf/17

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For love and mercy at the heavenly throne;
To these, and these alone, let sinners flee,
Oft would he call with sweet persuasive tone.

To what exalted fervour would he rise,
When pour′d his raptures of redeeming love;
Who could his warning solemn voice despise,
When sinners′ marble hearts he tried to move.

Alike his doctrines, and his virtues pure,
He liv′d rever′d in this licentious age;
His merits shall for evermore endure,
Recorded in the biographic page.

His merits tell some warm ingenuous friend,
To whom his worth and talents still are dear;
And genius oft-times o′er his tomb shall bend,
And give the tribute of a bitter tear.