Page:Memoir of the Reverend David Wilson (1).pdf/20

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Thy money, merit, pow′r and pelf,
Were squander′d by thy fall;
Yet, having nothing in thyself,
Thy Husband is thy all.

Law-precepts, threats, may both beset
To crave of thee their due:
But justice for thy double debt
Thy Husband did pursue.

Though justice stern as much belong
As mercy to a God;
Yet justice suffer′d here no wrong,
Thy Husband′s back was broad.

He bore the load of wrath alone,
That mercy might take vent;
Heaven′s pointed arrows all upon
Thy Husband′s heart were spent.

No partial pay could justice still,
No farthing was retrench′d;
Vengeance exacted all, until
Thy Husband all advanc′d.

He paid, in liquid golden red,
Each mite the law requir′d,
Till with a loud ′Tis finished,
Thy Husband′s breath expir′d.