Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/255

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MEXICO. its choice to the candidates who have obtained most votes. (Articles 85—89.) If, in the House of Representatives, opinions are again divided, the question is determined by lot. (Article 90.) The President may propose to the Congress, such changes or modifications of laws, as he judges necessary. (Article 105.) During a term of ten days, he may make observations upon the Laws, or Decrees communicated to him by the Congress, and suspend their publication. (Article 106.) During his Presidency he is inviolable, and can only be accused before one of the Chambers, in the cases provided for by Article 38. (Article IO7.) The President has powers : — 1. To publish, circulate, and enforce the Laws and Decrees of the General Congress. 2. To issue decrees or regulations himself, for the better observance of the Constitution, and general laws. 3. To carry into execution all laws for preserving the in- tegrity of the Federation, and maintaining its Independence and tranquillity. 4. To appoint and remove, at pleasure, the Secretaries of State. 5. To superintend the collection of the revenue, and its employment, as provided for by the Congress. 6. To appoint the chiefs of the different departments of finance ; the Commissaries general. Diplomatic agents, Con- suls, Colonels, and other superior ofiicers of the army and militia, with the approbation of the Senate, or, when the Con- gress is not sitting, of the Council of Government. 7. To make all other Government appointments whatsoever, under certain legal restrictions. 8. To appoint one of three candidates proposed to him, to all vacancies in the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, or as Judges and Fiscals of a district.