Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/673

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three at Tĕpīc; and it is probable that even these will soon be obliged to seek an establishment farther North, unless the opening of the ports of Manzanillo and Navidad, (hitherto little frequented,) should give a new impulse to the direct trade.

With so large a population, the revenues of the State of Jalisco might be very considerable; they have not, however, proved sufficient to cover its expences. This is owing chiefly to the abolition of the Alcavalas, in lieu of which a Contribucion directa, or income-tax, was established by the Congress, at the suggestion of the late Governor, Don Prisciliano Sanchez. The measure was so unpopular, that the amount raised never exceeded 230,000 dollars; and to supply the deficit, some of the old alcavalas were re-established in addition to the income-tax: even with this, the contingent, amounting to 365,000 dollars a year, is not covered, and the State is 108,000 dollars in arrear with the Federation. The annual expences of the Government are 200,000 dollars, including the salaries of the Governor and vice-Governor, with eight Gefes Politicos, who preside over the eight Cantons, thirty deputies, and eight senators, each of whom receives a salary of 3,000 dollars.

To cover these charges, there are, in addition to the branches of the revenue already mentioned, the fourth of the tithes, which averages annually from 85,000 to 90,000 dollars: the produce of the tobacco manufactory, not yet well organized, and the municipal duties, which are large, besides the three per