Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/162

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NOTES AND COEEESPONDENCE. 151 Mental Physiology (1874), a work that deals in the most interesting way especially with the class of abnormal mental phenomena. The end so tragic to a life full of high purpose, strenuous endeavour and remarkable achievement has been widely and deeply lamented. M. Th. Kibot, editor of the Revue Philosophique and who has done more than any other Frenchman to bring his country into line with the fore- most in the advance of scientific psychology, has just been appointed, by M. Liard, Director of Superior Instruction (himself an open-minded wor- ker in philosophy), to a newly founded chair of Experimental Psychology in the Sorbonne. This is a veritable sign of the times. Prof. Ribot now takes a place, as the representative of modern scientific methods, in the venerable corporation ; lecturing, in the present session, on " The Senti- ments and Emotions according to contemporary psychology," by the side of MM. Caro, Janet, Waddington and other upholders of the French official tradition. Dr. R. Reicke, University-Librarian in Kb'nigsberg, has long been engaged in collecting the correspondence of Kant, for publication by Leopold Voss in Hamburg. Collector and publisher earnestly request that to either of them should be sent any information as to hitherto unpublished letters of Kant's, or any, the slightest, notices of him by his contemporaries ; these last often proving of no small importance when brought into relation with the materials already in hand. Mr. J. T. Merz's Leibniz (in the series of "Philosophical Classics for English Readers") has just been translated into German, under the superintendence of Prof. C. Schaarschmidt of Bonn, who gave it high com- mendation iu the Philosophische Monatshefte. The publisher is G. Weiss of Heidelberg. Prof. A. Krohn of Kiel who, after being for a time conjoined with Ulrici, succeeded him in the editorship of the Zeitschrift fiir Philosophic, &c., has now, since Bd. Ixxxvi. 2, obtained a coadjutor in Dr. R. Falcken- berg, Privatdocmt in Jena. The Zeitschrift is by far the oldest of German philosophical journals, and has done good work in its time, though in later years it has rather lost ground. A serious effort is now being made, by editor and publisher (R. Strieker of Halle), to bring it again well to the front, both by materially improving its external form (in the last two Nos.), and by giving to its contents a greater amount of present interest. The old idealistic point of view will be adhered to, as never more than now needing to be maintained ; but (1) by giving special heed to " the theory of histori- cal phenomena," (2) by deliberate general surveys of the movements of thought (rather than by a mass of hurried criticism of particular books), and (3) by taking regular account of the philosophical activity of foreign countries, it is hoped that a new reputation may be won. The latest No. (contents given below) is intended as a specimen of what is to follow. THE JOURNAL OP SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY. Vol. xix., No. 2. R. A. Holland Immortality. B. S. Lyman The Character of the Japanese. Goeschel On the Immortality of the Soul. W. T. Harris The Immor- tality of the Individual. Notes and Discussions. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. An. x., No. 10. Ch. Fere Sensation et mouvement (avec figures). B. Perez La conscience et 1'inconscience chez 1'enfant de trois Jj sept ans. P. Tannery Le concept scientifique du con- tinu : Zenon d'Elee et G. Cantor. Observations et Documents (Bourru et Burot Un cas de multiplicity des etats de conscience avec changement de personnalite). Analyses et Comptes-rendus. Rev. des Period. No. 11. F. Paulhan Les phenomenes affectifs au point de vue de la psychologic generale (i.). V. Egger Sur quelques illusions visuelles (avec figures).