Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/531

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530 J. M. CATTELL : TABLE XXXV. One place. Two places. Three places. R V R' V R V R V R V R' V B 30. Ill 318 316 14 28 317 312 9 16 357 344 26 18 358 343 16 10 413 381 39 25 417 377 20 15 2. IV A 317 21 314 12 350 22 350 13 397 32 397 17 C 30. III.... 390 418 28 24 397 419 18 13 424 460 32 39 423 460 22 21 476 502 31 39 503 499 24 24 2. IV A 404 26 408 15 442 35 441 21 489 35 501 24 The time it takes to see and name a word was determined in the same way. Experiments were made on long and short English and German words, 26 of each sort being taken. In the case of the short words I made thirteen series, and found the time for the separate words as with the letters (Table XXXVII.). On the long words only five series (130 determinations) were made, and the times for the separate words were not calculated (Table XXXVI.). TABLE XXXVI.


German. B C B C R ! R' R R' R 1," R R' 14. II 493 | 484 is] 17", 447 440 391 ' 383

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451 450 490 488 i:>l 467 430 434 431 -131 419 461 L24 379 381 409 464 418 370 378 501 533 507 433 473 498 627 500 432 476 16 18 23 25 .. . . A 441 432 451 452 411 405 489 486 AV 37 21 20 13 31 20 24 15