Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/533

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532 J. M. CATTELL : This is not surprising; we are constantly reading and using words, much more than letters ; so the association between the concept and the name has become closer and takes place in less time. The same method was used to determine the time it takes to see and name a colour. The ten colours taken occurred two to three times in a series, and the times for the separate colours (13 determinations) were afterwards averaged together. Table XXXVIII. gives the times as measured with aid of a second observer, and as directly registered. The order of the colours is that of the average time needed to name them, beginning with the colour most quickly named. TABLE XXXVIII. Second Observer 9. 30. I.

Sound-Key. 5. 25. II. B R' C R' B C R V It V R V R' R V R' Blue 551 536 603 641 574 614 621 568 641 669 592 47 69 87 82 33 105 52 57 104 56 530 539 491 618 563 615 613 586 630 659 633 663 838 589 660 714 688 860 978 910 40 25 46 34 17 62 73 119 130 122 643 658 658 583 656 699 659 841 990 876 443 433 492 473 481 503 552 447 532 584 56 36 57 41 70 75 56 63 83 96 438 440 504 464 490 485 558 426 515 566 518 539 576 515 588 614 603 714 625 718 34 29 61 54 54 92 32 91 85 76 515 532 559 505 575 578 611 697 603 730 Green Red Black. . . Yellow Pink. ... Violet ( !niv Brown Orange A 584 733 726 494 489 601 591 AV 63 39 67 42 63 42 61 38 These results are interesting and were not foreseen. We found in the preceding section that it takes less time to perceive a colour than a letter or word ; we now find that it takes comparatively a very long time (15 286, C 400ff) to find the name of the colour. This was especially the case at first and for certain colours. The colour was recognised with ease, but the name could only be found (more especially by C) with great difficulty. The colours most frequently seen and named in our daily life, red, yellow, green, blue and black, were named with greater ease and in decidedly less time (B 61, C 150<r) than the other five colours, pink, violet, orange, gray and brown. In the case of these latter colours the time was considerably shortened by practice.