Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/534

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THE TIME TAKEN UP BY CEREBEAL OPERATIONS. 533 The twenty-six pictures already described were in like manner seen and named (by B in German, by C in English), the times for the several pictures (13 determinations) being given in the fol- lowing Table. TABLE XXXIX. Picture of an ] 3 3 ] B ( ^ R R' R R' R R' R R' Anchor 489 463 552 535 Leaf 497 497 578 567 Bird 515 507 569 566 Moon, 496 504 588 587 Bottle 489 479 572 561 Picture 475 486 587 574 Candle 493 494 563 552 Scissors 447 453 558 558 Chair 498 510 539 534 Ship 445 438 493 486 i4- Cross 485 470 586 591 Shoe 437 430 492 493 1 Eye 496 476 500 503 Star 481 488 496 498 hO O5 Fish 469 454 497 487 Table 486 496 544 547 Flower 495 479 ,568 586 Teapot 499 486 612 600 J 1 Glass 480 466 585 596 Tree 457 449 594 517 Hand 484 476 500 490 466 479 567 556 Hat 419 41 o 454 446 Watch 461 469 567 562 Hatchet 469 454 526 513 Key... 477 467 561 560 A 477 479 545 541 AV. 46 30 40 25 We found in the foregoing section that pictures (and, we may assume, the objects themselves) can be seen in about the same time as colours ; we now find that they can also be named in about the same time (by B in 251, by C in 278<r) as the colours most fre- quently used. The difference in time for the several pictures is interesting; both B and C named the picture of a hat in the shortest time ; B required the longest time to name ' bird ' and

  • teapot,' C to name 'teapot' and 'moon'. It is an interesting

fact that the picture of a chair can be recognised in less time than the word ' chair,' but that it takes over a tenth of a second longer to name it. It will be useful to collect together certain of the results of these experiments. In the following Table I do not give to the thousandth of a second the averages of the determinations made, but what from the experiments seems to be the time it takes B and C to perceive and find the name of the objects we have been considering.