Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/614

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INDEX. xiii Knight, W. , Studies in Philosophy and Literature, iv. 597. Knowledge, And Belief, (D. G. THOMP- SON) ii. 309 ; Can a man sin against ? (F. H. BRADLEY) ix. 286 ; The Object of, (E. MONTGOMERY) ix. 349. Koeber, R., Schopenhauer's Erlosungs- lehre, vi. 447- Krause, A. F.. Gesctze des menschlichen Herzens, i. 575. Krause, K. C. , F. Vorlesungen iiber dEsthetik, vii. 314. Kroman, K., Unsere Naturerkenntniss (libers), ix. 160. Kussmaul, A. , Lcs Troubles de la Parole (tr.), x. 144. Laas, E., Kant's Analogien der Erfah- rung, ii. 133. Lacy, W. M., The Philosophy of the Unknowable, ix. 317. LAND, J. P. JST. (a) Kant's Space and Modern Mathematics, ii. 38 ; Phi- losophy in the Dutch Universities, iii. 87. (c) See B. Erdmann, B. Spruyt, F. Pollock. Land, J. P. N., and Others, Spinoza (tr.), viii. 135. LANG, A. (a) F. Max Miiller and Fetishism, iv. 453. Lang, A., Custom and Myth, x. 141. Lange, F. A. , Death of, i. 156 ; Logische Stwlien, ii. 278, (J. A. STEWART) iii. 112 ; History of Materialism, (tr., I.-III.) ii. 431, v. 294, vi. 595, (A. SETH) vii. 124. Language, H. Taine on the Acquisition of, by Children, ii. 252 ; An Infant's progress in, (F. POLLOCK) iii. 392. Lankester, E. R., Degeneration, v. 437. Last, E., Die realistisc.he u. dieidealis- tische Weltanschauung, x. 153. Laura Bridgmau, S. G. Howe on the Education of, i. 263 ; (G. S. HALL) iv. 149. Lazarus, M., Das Leben der Seele, (2te Aufi., I.-III.) i. 297, iii. 291, vii. 313, (H. M. BAYNES) 593 ; Ueber die Reize des Spiels, ix. 471, (J. Sully) x. 132. Lea, H. C., Superstition and Force, iv. 290. Lecky, W. E. H. , European Morals, ii. 275. Leclair, A. v., Der Realismus der mo- dernen Naturwissenschaft, v. 298. Le Conte, J., Sight, vi. 439. LEE, A. B. (c) See T. Camerer. Lefevre, A. , Philosophy : Historical and Critical (tr.), iv. 288. Lehmann, K. , und, E. Bleuler, massige Lichtempfindungen, vi. 297. Leibniz, G. W. , Die Philos. Schriften von (ed. G. J. Gerhart, I.), i. 156. Leigh, A., The Story of Philosophy, vi. 147. Lemoigne, A. e F. Lussana, Fisiologia dei Centri Nervosi Encefalici, (G. H. LEWES) i. 122. Leopardi, G., Essays and Dialogues (tr.}, vii. 311. LEVIN, T. W. (c) See G. L. Turner. Levin, T. W., Notes on Inductive Logic (L), x. 301. LEVY, J. H. (b) Mill's Propositions and Inferences of mere Existence, x. 417. LEWES, G. H. (a) What is Sensation ? i. 157 ; Consciousness and Uncon- sciousness, ii. 156. (b) The Uni- formity of Nature, i. 283. (c) See F. Lussana e A. Lemoigne. Lewes, G. H., On the Postulates of Ex- perience, (A. BAIN) i. 146 ; His doc- trine of Sensibility, (E. HAMILTON) iv. 256; The Physical Basis of Mind, ii. 278, 430, (EDITOR) iii. 24 ; Death of, iv. 146 ; The Study of Psychology, iv. 443 ; Problems of Life and Mind (3rd Series 2-4), v. 151 ; The Posthu- mous Volumes of, (C. READ) vi. 483. Liard, L., La Science positive et la Metaphysique, iv. 291 ; Descartes, vii. 153. Liebmann, 0., Zur Analysis der Wirk- lichkcit, i. 441. Life, E. Pfliiger on the Teleological Mechanics of, iii. 264 ; The Substan- tiality of, (E. MONTGOMERY) vi. 321 ; And Mechanism, (J. S. HALDANE) ix. 27. Lilienfeld, P. v.,Die Socialunssenschaft der Zukunft (I. IV.), iii. 152, v. 298. LINDSAY, T. M. (a) Hermann Lotze, i. 363 ; Recent Hegelian Contributions to English Philosophy, ii. 476. Lindsay, W. L. , Mind in the Loiver Animals, v. 147. LINGAKD, J. T. (b) W. B. Carpenter's Theory of Attention, ii. 272 ; The Rule of Three in Metaphysics, iii. 571. (c) See H. Calderwood. Lipps, T., Die Grundtatsachen des See- lenlebens, (T. WHITTAKER) x. 605 ; Psychologische Studien, 621. Littre, E., On Mde. Comte, ii. 281 ; Death of, vi. 449. Locke, J., Some Thoughts concerning Education (eds. Quick, Daniel), v. 438 ; Conduct of the Understanding (ed. Fowler), vi. 293. Loewy, T., Common Sensibles, ix. 317.