Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/617

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XVI INDEX. Morell, J. D., Philosophical Fragments, iv. 138 ; Introduction to Mental Philo- sophy (2nd ed.), ix. 609 ; Manual of History of Philosophy, x. 142. Morris, G. S., Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, vii. 604. Morselli, H., Suicide, vii. 151. Mosso, A., La Paura, x. 619. Motives, And Impulses of the Mind, (J. COPXER) vii. 443 ; The Action of so-called, (EDITOR) 567. Motor Sensations on the Skin, (G. S. HALL, H. H. DONALDSON) x. 557. MULLER, G. E., Zur Grundlegunj </>/ Psychophysik, iii. 430. MULLER, F. M. (a} The Original In- tention of Collective and Abstract Terms, i. 345. Miiller, F. ^l.,lmmanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (iv,), (R. ADAMSON) vii. 277. Miinz, W., Die Grundlagen der Kant' schcn Erkcnntnissthcoric, viii. 142. MURPHY, J. J. (a) Fundamental Logic, ii. 47. (b) Space through Sight and Touch, i. 284. Murphy, J. J., Habit and Intelligence, (G. ALLEX) iv. 274. Murray, J. G., A Handbook of Psycho- logy, x. 611. Music, The Psychology of, (E. GURNEY) vii. 89. N Nahlowsky, J. W., Das Gcfiihlsleben (2te Ann.), x. 152. Natural Religion, (E. GURNEY) viii. 198. Naville, E., La Logique de I'Hypothese, v. 294 ; La Physique moderns, viii. 457. Necessary Connexion and Inductive Reasoning, (W. G. DAVIES) iii. 417. Neudecker, G. , Grundleyung der reinen Logik. viii. 141. NOEL, R. (b) The Postulates of Experi- ence, i. 426. Noire, L., Max Miiller and the Philo- sophy of Language, iv. 1 VI. Nominalism, (I). .McG. M K.YNS) iv. 541 ; Modern, (A. MKINONO) iv. 124. Note-Deafnt'.-.-. (G. ALLKN, E. SIMCOX) iii. 157, 401, 403.

Olcott, H. S., Thcosophy, Religion and Occult Science, x. 464. Oldenberg, H., Buddha : His Life, his Doctrine, his Order (tr.), viii. 137. Oliphant, L., Sympneumata, x, 301. Optic Thalami, J. Crichton-Browne on the Functions of the, i 412. Organic Individual, The Unit} 7 of the, (E. MONTGOMERY) v. 318, 465. ' Ought,' The Utilitarian, (E. GURNEY, M. MARTIN) vii. 349, 554, viii. 101. OUGHTER LONIE, A. C. (b) The Gem-sis of Primitive Thought, iii. 126 ; Death of, 129. Owen, J., Evenings icith the Skeptics, (J. B. GIBSON, with Reply) viii. 305, 462. Oxford, Philosophy at, (M. PATTISON) i. 82. Pain, Gratification derived from the Infliction of, (J. SULLY, A. BAIN) i. 285, 429 ; And Death, (G. ALLEN) v. 201. Panizza, M., La Fisiologia del Sistema Nervoso, <2a ed.) vi. 296. Pantheism, General Sketch of the History o/(I.-II.), iii. 580, v. 152. Paoli, A. , Dei Concetti direttivi di J. S. Mi/I, iii. 429. Paradoxical Philosophy, iv. 136. Patanjali, Yoga Aphorisms (tr.), viii. 619. Pater, W., Mart us the Epicurean, (A. GOODWIN) x. 442. PATTISON, M. (a) Philosophy at Ox- ford, i. 82. Paulhan, F., La Phvsiologie dc I' Esprit, v. 296. Paulsen, F., Entuncklungsgeschichte der Kantischen Erkcnntnisstheorie, i. 155 ; Gescliichtc dcs gelehrten Unterrichis in Deutschland, x. 312. Payne, J., Lectures on the Science and Art of Education, v. 583. PAYNE, J. F. (a) James Hinton, i. 247. I'r, !:SON-, K. (a) Maimouides and Spinoza, viii. 338. I'I.AKSOX, N. (b) Perfection as an Ethical End, v. 573 ; The Sense of Sin and Evolution, vii. 544. PI.IKCE, C. S. (b) Logical Contraposi- tion and Conversion, i. 424. IVinr, C. S., and Others, Studies in Logic, (J. VENN) viii. 594. Penjon, A., Etude sur G. Berkeley, iv. 292. Perception, (T. DAVIDSON) vii. 496. Perez, B., Les trois prein /<'/- Annt-esde I'JSnftnit, (F. POLLOCK) iii. 546, (tr.) x. 613 ; L'Ei/ni'titi")t dislcBerceau, vi. 149, (F. POLLOCK) -281 ; Tl, mann et la Science dc V Enfant, vii. 153 ; La Psychologic dc I' Enfant, 605.