Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/619

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XV111 INDEX. Ray, P. K., A Text-Book of Deductive Logic, ix. 467, (J. K KEYNES) 587. RAYLEIGH, Lord, (b) On Mr. Venn's Explanation of a Gambling Paradox, ii. 409, (with Reply) 578. Reaction-time and Attention in the Hypnotic State, (G. S. HALL) viii. 170. READ, C. (a) On some Principles of Logic, ii. 336 ; Kuno Fischer on English Philosophy, iv. 346 ; S. H. Hodgson's Philosophy of Reflection, v. 60 ; G. H. Lewes's Posthumous Volumes, vi. 483. (b) Mr. Sully on Pessimism, iii. 410; The Number of Terms in a Syllogism, iv. 116 ; The Mnemonic Lines of the Syllogism, vii. 440; On the English of "Ding-an- Sich," viii. 412. (c) See F. Bowen, C. de Remusat, E. v. Hartmann, A. Seth, B. P. Bowne, A. Barratt. Read, C., On the Theory of Logic, iii. 426, (J. VENN) 539. Reason, The so-called Antinomy of, (J. G. MACVICAR) ii. 186 ; Relations of, to Beauty, (E. GURNEY) iv. 482 ; De- finition of, (W. L. DAVIDSON) vii. 558. Ree, P., Der Ursprung der moralischen Empfindungeu ii. 581; Die Entstehung des Gewissens, x. 475. Reflection, The Philosophy of, (C. READ) v. 60. Regeneration of Lost Parts in Animals, (D'A. W. THOMPSON) ix. 415. Reich, E., Studien iiber die Volksscele, i. 297. Reichlin-Meldegg, Prof, v., Death of, ii. 282. Reid, J. S., The Academics of Cicero, v. 293 ; M. Tulli Ciccronis Academica, x. 460. Relation, Feelings of, (R. HODGSON) x. 250. Remusat, C. de, Histoire de la Philo- sophic en Angleterre depuis Bacon jusqu a Locke, (C. READ) iv. 128. Renan, E., Dialogues et Fragments Philosophiques, (EDITOR) iv. 132, (tr. ) x. 614. Renouf, P. le P., The Religion of Ancient Egypt, v. 584. Renouvier, C. , Philosophy of : Logic Psychology, (S. H. HODGSON) vi. 31, 173. Responsibility, The Personal Aspect of, (L. S. BEVINGTON) iv. 244. Rfeville, A. , Prolegomena of the History of Religions (tr.), x. 302. RHODES, E. H. (a) The Scientific Conception of the Measurement of Time, x. 347. RIBOT, T. (a) Philosophy in France, ii. 366. Ribot, T., La Psychologic Allemande Contemporaine, iv. 445, (2me ed.) x. 472 ; Les Maladies de la Memoire, vi. 296, (J. SULLY) 590 ; L'Heredite Psychologique, 2me ed., (G. ALLF.N) vii. 413 ; Les Maladies de la Volonte, viii. 457, (J. SULLY) ix. 141 ; Les Maladies de la Personnalite, x. 307. Richet, C., L'Homme et V Intelligence, x. 145. RITCHIE, D. G. (c) See R. Flint, W. Windelband. Rivalry of the Fields of Vision, Schon and Mossoon. i. 269. ROBERTSON, G. C. See EDITOR. Eogers, J. W. F., Grammar and Logic in the 19th Century, ix. 155. Rolph, W. H., Biologische Probleme (2te Aufl.), ix. 612, (t. WHITTAKER) x. 281. ROMANES, G. J. (a) Consciousness of Time, iii. 297. (b) T. Whittaker on Mental Evolution in Animals, ix. 473. Romanes, G. J., On Evolution of Nerves and Nerve-systems, ii. 565 ; Animal Intelligence, vii. 318, 601 ; JI>'it/"' Evolution in Animals, ix. 155, (T. WHITTAKER, with Reply) 291, 473. Romundt, H., Grundlcgung zur Reform der Philosophic, x. 626. Rosenkranz. J. K. F., Death of, iv. 603. Rosenthal, L. A., Die monistische Philo- sophic, v. 588. Rosmini Serbati, A., Tlie Origin of Ideas (tr., I.-IIL), viii. 306, (J. B. GIBSON) 438, ix. 311, x. 271; Psycho- logy (tr., I.), x. 139. Rothenbucher, A., Handbuch der Moral, ix. 612. ROYCE, J. (a) "Mind-Stuff" and Reality, vi. 365 ; Mind and Reality, vii. 30. Royce, J., Primer of Logical Analysis, vii. 311 ; The Religious Aspect of Philosophy, (S. ALEXANDKU) x. 599. Rubinstein, S., Psydwlogisch-astli' Essays, ix. 614. Riimelin, G., Reden und Aufsiitze, vi 600. Ryland, F., A Student's Handbook to Psychology and Ethics, (R. ADAMSON) v. 562. S Saint-Hilaire, J. B., De la Metaphysique, iv. 446. Salter, "V. M., Die, Religion der Moral (iibers.), x. 622.