Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/621

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XX INDEX. Sidgwick, H., Methods of Ethics, (A. BAIN) i. 119 ; On Intuitionalism, (H. CALDEUWOOD) 197 ; On Ethical Studies, (F. H. BRADLEY, with Reply) ii. 122, 125 ; The Methods of Ethics (2nd ed.), iii. 147 ; On the Critical Philosophy, (R. ADAMSON, with Re- plies) viii. 251, 421, 577 ; The Method? of Ethics (3rd ed.), ix. 607; Utili- tarianism of, (H. RASHDALL) x. 200 ; On Progressive Morality, (T. FOWLER) 481 ; On Types of Ethical Theory, (J. MARTINEAU) x. 628. SIMCOX, E. (b) Note-deafness, iii. 401. Simcox, E., Natural Law, ii. 280, (R. ADAMSON) 552. SIMCOX, G. A. (a) An Empirical Theory of Free-will, iv. 469. Sime, J., Lessing : his Life and Writ- ings, iii. 145. Simon, Colly us, Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge, iv. 137 ; Death of, ix. 166. SIMON, D. W. (c) See J. Frohschammer. Sin and Evolution, The Sense of, (X. PEARSON) vii. 544. Sinnett, A. P., Esoteric Buddhism (5th ed.), x. 613. Sinnett, Mrs. , The Purpose of Theosophy, x. 613. Sleep, Obersteiner on, i. 133 ; E. Pfliiger on, 134 ; A. M, Langlois on, ii. 571 ; Contribution by A. Striimpell to the theory of, iii. 263. Smirnova, A., Istoria Angliiskoy Etikoy (I.^vii. 316. Societe de Psychologic Physiologique, x. 639. Sommer, H , Ueber das Wcsen und die Eedeutung der mcnschlichen Freiheit, (T. WHITTAKER) viii. 298. SORLEY, W. R. (a) Jewish Mediaeval Philosophy and Spinoza, v. 362. (c) See F. Jo'dl, J. T. Merz, A. Fouilloe, M. Uuyau. Sorley, W. R., On the Ethics of Natural- isin, x. 6-27. 'Soul, 'The Homeric Words for, (C. F. KEAKY) vi. 471. Sound, rrbiiiitsrhitsuh on perception of very weak, i. 268. Space, Through Sight and Touch, (J. J. Mrni-iiv) i. -284 ; The Muscular Per- ception of, (G. S. HALL) iii. 433 ; Our Control of, and Time, (J. VENN) vi. 18 ; And Touch, (E. MHXTCU.MEKY) x. 227.:i77. 512. Specific Energies, The Dependence of Quality on, (E. MONTCO.MEKY) v. 1. SPENCKK, H. (a) The Comparative Psychology of Man, i. 7 ; Replies to Criticisms on The Data of Ethics, vi. 82. (b) E. B. Tylor on The Prin- ciples of Sociology, ii. 415 ; Conscious- ness under Chloroform, iii. 555. Spencer, H., Principles of Sociology, (I., pts. 1-5) (A. BAIN) i. 128, (I.) (E. B, TYLOR) ii. 141 ; Education (new ed.), iv. 137 ; The Data of Ethics, 444, (A. BAIN) 561 ; Ceremonial In- stitutions, v. 149 ; Ethical System of, (H. SIDGWICK) v. 216 ; Another View of the Ethics of, (A. W. BENN) 489 ; New Appendix to First Principles, 591 ; Psychological ' Congruities ' of, (A. BAlN)vi. 266, 394 ; Political In st ita- tions, vii. 448 ; His Classification of Cognitions, (C. MERCIER) viii. 260 ; His Theory of Society, (F. W. MAIT- LAND) 354, 506 ; Reasons for dis- senting from the Philosophy of M. Comte (2nd ed.), x. 159; "Further Illustrations of Primitive Thought, 639. Spinal Cord, E. Pfliiger on Sensory Functions of the, iii. 268. Spinoza, Notes on the Philosophy of, (F. POLLOCK) iii. 195 ; Opera, (F. POLLOCK) vii. 455, ix. 313 ; Ethic (tr. "White), viii. 454 ; Chief Works of (tr.), (F. POLLOCK) ix. 313. Spir, A., Denken und Wirklichkcit, ii. 276. Spruyt, C. B., Proeve van eene Geschie- denis van de Leer der Aangeborcn Be~ grippen, (J. P. N. LAND) iv. 591. Stadler, A., Grundsiitzc der reitn-n Erk< >rie in der Ken; Philosophic, i. 297 ; Kunfs Theorie der Materie, ix. 319. Stallo, J. B., The Concept* and Theories of Modern Physics, viii. 133, (D. MACAUSTER) 276. Stanhope Demonstrator, The, (R. HAR- LEY) iv. 192. STANLEY. H. M. (b) On the Classifica- tion of th< , ix. 265 ; Is the Design- A raiment scientific ! x. 420. Stein. I;., J>'n' irilli-iisi'r, vii. 157. Steinthal, ., ]> r r Sprm'li, ii. 276 ; J -,-liaft (I.), vii. 453, (H. M. BAYXES) ix. 144. STEI-HEX, L. (a) Philosophic Doubt, v. 157. (b) On the use of the word 'Spccti- Ste|>lieu, ..,Em/lish Thought in the 18th iihirii.n. l':!0, (KiuTni:) 3;V2 ; The Science of Ethics, vii. 317, (H. SiDc;- WICK) 572 ; On Utilitarianism, (F. Y. EDCEWOKTU) 446 ; Dictionary of nal Biography (L), x. 298.