Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/623

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XX11 INDEX. THOMPSON, D. G. (a) Knowledge and Belief, ii. 309 ; Intuition and In- ference, iii. 339, 468 ; The Sumrnum Bonum, vi. 62. (b) Presentative and Representative Cognitions, iii. 270. Thompson, D. G., A System, of Psycho- logy, (T. WHITTAKER) x. 115. THOMPSON, D'A. W. (b) The Regenera- tion of Lost Parts in Animals, ix. 415. Thomson, G., Evolution and Involution, v. 438, (with Reply, 590). THORNELY, T. (a) Perfection as an Ethical End, v. 350. Thought and Feeling, On some alleged Distinctions between, (R. FLINT) ii. 112. Time, Consciousness of, (G. J. ROMANES) iii. 297 ; The Scientific Conception of the Measurement of, (E. H. RHODES) x. 347. Tobias, W., Grenzen der Philosophic, i. 155. Trance, G. M. Beard on, ii. 568. Transcendentalism, (A. J. BALFOUR) iii. 480 ; A. J. Balfour on, (E. CAIRO, with Reply) iv. Ill ; J. "Watson on, (A. J. BALFOUR) vi. 260. Transposition of Traces of Experience, (T. LE M. DOUSE) iii. 132. TRAVIS, H. (a) An Introspective Inves- tigation, ii. 22. Tuke, D. H., Insanity in Ancient and Modern Life, iii. 427 ; Sleep-walking and Hiipnotism, ix. 466. Tulloch, J., Modern Theories of Philo- sophy and Religion, ix. 609. Turbiglio, S., Le Antitcsi trail Mcdicevo e VEta moderna nella Storia della Filosofia, (R. FLINT) iii. 549. Turner, G. L., Wish and Will, vi. 148, (T. W. LEVIN) 424. TTLOR, E. B. (a) H. Spencer's Principles of Sociology (I.), ii. 141. (&) Reply to H. Spencer, 419. Tylor, E. B., Anthropology, vi, 438. U Uchronie, i. 437. Ueberweg, F., Grundriss der Gcsch. der Phil, (tite Auil., M. Heinze), x. 147. Ulrici, H., Gott imd ///<: Sutur, i. 154 ; On Spiritism, iv. 415, 603 ; Death of, ix. 324. Uniformity of Nature, The (G. H. LEWES) i. 283, (F. POLLOCK) 425, (A, MAIN) 566. Unilateral Phenomena of Mental and Nervous Disorders, A. Robertson on, i. 413. United States, Philosophy in the, (G. S. HALL) iv. 89. Utilitarian 'Ought, 'The, (E. GURNEY) vii. 349 ; Mr. Gurney on the, (M. MARTIN, with Reply) 554, viii, 101. Vacherot, ., Le nouveau Spiritualisme, x. 304. Vaihinger, H., Hartmann, Diihring, und Lange, i. 574 ; Commcntar zu Kant's K.d.r. V. (I. 1, 2), vi. 599, vii. 606, (W. WALLACE) viii. 440. VEITCH, J. (a) Philosophy in the Scot- tish Universities, ii. 74, 207. Veitch, J., The Method, Meditations, <kc., of Descartes (6th ed.), v. 152, (W. L. DAVIDSON) 428 ; Hamilton, viii. 135, (W. L. DAVIDSON) 289 ; Sir William Hamilton, 456. VENN, J. (a) Consistency and Real In- ference, i. 43 ; Boole's Logical System, 479 ; The Use of Hypotheses, iii. 43 ; The Difficulties of Material Logic, iv. 35 ; On the Forms of Logical Propo- sition, v. 336 ; Our Control of Space and Time, vi. 18. (b) Lord Rayleigh on a Gambling Paradox, ii, 578 ; Reply to 0. H. Mitchell on Studies in . ix. 322. (c) See C. Read, C. Sigwart, A. Macfarlane, H. Schetfler, Studies in Logic, A. Sidgwick, J. N. Keynes, "V. Wundt. Venn, J., Logic of Chance (2nd ed.), i. 434 ; On the Explanation of a Gamb- ling Paradox, (LORD RAYLEICH, with Reply) ii. 409, 578 ; Symbolic Logic, vi. 298, (C. J. MONUO) 574. Vera, A., Philosophic de la Hegel (tr.), (W. CUNNINGHAM) i. 549 ; Death of, x. 639. VERDON, R. (a) Forgetfulness, ii. 437. Vere, Aubrey de, Proteus and Amadeus, iii. 580. Vernial, P., Origine de VHomme, vi. 597. V.M .utility, (J. SULLY) vii. 366. Vertigo of Direction, (A. BINET, 15. BoaANQurr) x. 156, 817. Viguier, C., On the Sense of Direction, (EDITOR) vii. 571. Visual Perception in Germany, Thi tiou of, (J. SULLY) iii. 1, 167. Visual Form, Pleasure of, (J. SULLY) v. 181. Visual Bpace-petceptiona in the Dark, (W. H. S. MONCK) ix. 617- Volkelt, J., Lniii'iiiii'! Kant's Erkennt-

}fi>i-ic, (R. ADAMSON) v. 14").

Volkmann, W.. l.ilirlin-h d<~r I'sycho- logie (:2te Anil.), i. 153, (3te Aufl., I.-II.), x. 146, 476 ; Death of, ii. 283.