Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/139

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latter cannot be watered, then, no doubt, such an Act might prove very beneficial. But his former chief, the Director-General, Revenue Department, wrote that "many years ago, there existed the Bombay Cotton Frauds Act, but it was found unworkable, and after a few years' experience was repealed."

"No legislation," said this gentleman, "can prevent a practice of this kind, carried on, as it is, openly, with the knowledge of purchasers and consumers."

I believe I am right in saying that, about three years ago, watering cotton in ginning and pressing factories in Berar was stopped by order of government, and that this order has benefited all persons except the buyers, who desire to add weight to their bales of cotton by means of water.

Mixing cannot be stopped by order of government, but watering can, and that without much trouble.

The remedy proposed by the former Director-General, Revenue Department, was "to pursue a steady course of selecting good seed, and proving to the ryots and the trade that unadulterated Gaorani cotton is the most profitable both to the producer and the