Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/54

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O. S. rupees 50,00,000 (since he came to the gadi the Halli Sicca rupee has been re-named, and it is now called the Osmania Sicca rupee) as "stipends and allowances;" and State receptions and entertainments are paid for out of government funds. He is probably the wealthiest man in India, for the Sarf-i-khas lands include the city of Hyderabad and the Atraf-i-balda, or suburbs of the city, and he has shooting preserves that remind us of the days of William Rufus.

In order to appreciate the true position of H. H. the Nizam, let us imagine the Governor of the Madras Presidency holding a life appointment, and having for his private use the customs of the city of Madras and its suburbs, absolute control over the ruling chiefs, rajas and zemindars in Southern India, and the power to appropriate the whole of the Madras Presidency, which (the Coromandel coast and Coimbatore being excluded) is of the same size as H. H. the Nizam's Dominions.

History shows that sometimes Viceroys and Governors in British India have been inflated by the limited and constitutional powers that they possess; and if we would judge such a ruler as a Nizam justly, then