Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/56

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funds, no loan can be granted from the government treasury, no fresh tax or impost can be introduced otherwise than with His Highness's sanction. The same authority is needed for creating any new post in government service, carrying a salary of more than Rs. 500. No European can be appointed to the State service, nor can any one be granted the rank of commissioned officer in the State army, without His Highness's permission. Death sentences can be carried out only after the confirmation of the Nizam."

This was written while His Highness the late Nizam was on the gadi, and it is only necessary to add that the present ruler of Hyderabad has made himself intimately acquainted with the working of each State department, that he has a thirst for public affairs, and that he shews a determination to master every detail of government business. But he relies on the advice of those who have spent many years in the government service, and when His Excellency Nawab Salar Jung III was made Prime Minister, he appointed as Special Adviser to His Excellency one of his own earliest tutors, Nawab Imud-ul-Mulk Bahadur, and continued in his position as Political Secre-