Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/64

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The President of the Council (His Excellency the Minister) has the right of over-ruling any decision arrived at by a majority of the Council, in anticipation of His Highness's sanction.

The Legislative Council was established in 1893 A.D.

The Council is composed of a President, a Vice-President, and seventeen members. The Minister is the President, and the assistant minister of the department, in connection with which any Bill may be under the consideration of the Council, acts as Vice-President during the discussion of such Bill. Of the members, three are ex-officio, namely, the Chief Justice of the Hyderabad High Court, the judicial secretary to government, and the legal adviser. The remaining fourteen are appointed by the Minister for a space of two years at a time, but any of them is eligible for re-appointment at the end of that period. Of these, eight are government officials and six are non-officials. Two of the non-official members must be holders of jagirs or other hereditary rights, free from encumbrances, and yielding a net annual income of Rs. 6,000 and must be selected by the holders of such jagirs or