Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/65

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rights in the State, from amongst their number. The other members must be similarly elected by the High Court pleaders from amongst themselves. Of the remaining two non-official members one must be chosen from each of the three Paigah Illakas by turn and one from the general public.

The legal adviser, besides being a member, acts as the secretary of the Council.

No bill or motion affecting the public revenues, or the religion of any class of His Highness's subjects, or the organisation and discipline of His Highness's troops, or the relation of His Highness's Government with the British Government, or the Act relating to the Legislative Council, can be introduced without the previous permission of the Minister. Other bills passed by the Council and approved by the Minister can come into force at once. His Highness, however, has the right to order the repeal or amendment of any enactment. In undertaking any legislative measure, the Council is bound to be guided by the principles of Mahomedan law, the tenets of the Hindu shastras, the special laws of every community residing in His Highness's Dominions, the customs and usages having the force of law and the