Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/75

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is a criminal offence in Hyderabad State, but there is no doubt that in remote places farm labourers still sometimes sell their children to their employers, and sometimes bind themselves to work for a certain number of years, and even for a life-time in return for money given to defray marriage expenses, and little girls are sometimes bartered for food, clothes, and sandals.

The common system of land tenure all over the State is ryotwari, and by this system each field is considered a holding, and the right of occupancy depends on the regular payment of the assessment. Non-payment of rent means forfeiture of the right to the land, which is then sold to pay the arrears.

If the rent is paid regularly, the ryot, although the period of holding is nominally for one year only, retains his land indefinitely. He may sell, sub-let, or transfer his right to the land and relinquish his holding by giving due notice.

The Imperial Gazetteer of India, Hyderabad State (Provincial Series), says : —

"The average area of a holding in the whole State is 20¾ acres, varying from 28½ acres in Marathwara to 12½ acres in Telingana. In the Maratha districts the government