Page:Morgan Philips Price - Siberia (1912).djvu/282

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The other items, such as skin curing, glass work, flour milling, tallow and soap, are comparatively insignificant. The consumption of vodka, upon which the distilling industry so largely depends, amounts to 3,750,000 gallons per annum.

The town of Krasnoyarsk is the central point on which all trade in Central Siberia converges. It is a growing town of over 50,000 inhabitants, and owes its growth and importance to its position on the railway at the point where it crosses the Yenisei River. It is through Krasnoyarsk that the economic influences of Europe are penetrating into Central Siberia, and it is here that the higher industrial system from the West will in time have its centre. This development, however, is dependent upon two principal factors—viz. the rate of immigration into the country, and the growth of transport facilities.