Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1357

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2767.—MACARONI CHEESE. (Fr.Macaroni au Fromage.)

Ingredients.—4 ozs. of macaroni, 2 ozs. of cheese, 1 oz. of butter, ½ oz. of flour, ½ pint of milk, made mustard, salt and pepper, browned breadcrumbs.

Method.—Place a saucepan holding about 2 quarts of water on the fire; when boiling add a dessertspoonful of salt and the macaroni broken in small pieces, and cook until tender, but not too soft. Make a sauce by blending the butter and flour together over the fire, add the milk, stir until boiling, put in the cheese, macaroni, mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Turn the mixture into a buttered pie-dish, sprinkle the surface with brown breadcrumbs and grated cheese, and bake in a brisk oven for about 10 minutes.

Time.—40 minutes. Average Cost, 6d. Sufficient for 4 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2768.—MARROW TOAST. (Fr.Croûtes à la Moëlle.)

Ingredients.—Marrow from 2 beef bones, buttered toast, salt and pepper.

Method.—Soak the marrow in tepid water for about 2 hours. About 15 minutes before the dish is wanted, cut the marrow into inch lengths, place them in cold water, bring rapidly to boiling-point, and drain well. Have some squares of very hot, well-buttered toast, put the marrow on them, breaking it up and spreading it with a fork, and season with salt and pepper. Place the toast before the fire or in a hot oven until the marrow is thoroughly melted, then serve as hot as possible. When savoury marrow is preferred, sprinkle the above with chopped parsley, chives, and lemon-juice, just before serving.

Time.—2½ hours. Average Cost, 9d. to 1s. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2769.—MARROW WITH MAÎTRE D'HÔTEL SAUCE. (Fr.Moëlle à la Maître d'Hôtel.)

Ingredients.—Marrow from 2 bones, buttered toast. For the sauce: 2 tablespoonfuls of good white sauce (see Sauces), 1 tablespoonful of cream, 1 teaspoonful of finely chopped parsley, a few drops of lemon-juice, Krona pepper.

Method.—Put the sauce and cream into a small stewpan, and when hot add lemon-juice and seasoning to taste. Prepare the marrow toast as in the preceding recipe, pour the sauce over, and serve.

Time.—2½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. to 1s. 3d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.