Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/275

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207.—POULETTE SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce Poulette.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of Béchamel sauce, 1 raw yolk of egg, 1 tablespoonful of cream, 1 teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 1 teaspoonful of lemon-juice, salt and pepper.

Method.—Mix the yolk of the egg and the cream together. Have the sauce nearly boiling in a saucepan, pour in the egg and cream, and stir for a few minutes, but the preparation must not boil, or the egg may curdle. Add the parsley and lemon-juice, season to taste, and serve.

Time.—About 10 minutes. Average Cost, 5d. to 6d.

208.—SALAD DRESSING (French.) (Fr.Sauce Remoulade.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of salad oil, 2 tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of made mustard, 1 yolk of egg, a few leaves of tarragon parsley and chives, a pinch of castor sugar, salt and pepper.

Method.—Blanch the herbs, drain, and chop finely. Put the yolk of egg into a basin, add the seasoning, work in the oil and vinegar, stirring the ingredients vigorously with a wooden spoon. Then add the herbs, mustard, and sugar.

Time.—20 to 30 minutes. Average Cost, 8d. to 9d. for this quantity.

Tarragon (Fr.:Estragon).—The leaves of this aromatic plant, known to botanists as Artemisia dracunculus, are much used in France as a flavouring ingredient for salads. From it is made tarragon vinegar, which the French employ to mix their mustard. It is also used as a pickle, and as a flavour for fish-sauces. From one species of the genus Artemisia, which grows in Switzerland, the bitter aromatic cordial, absinthe, is prepared. The common wormwood, Artemisia absinthum, was known to the Greeks, who valued it as a medicinal plant.

209.—SALAD DRESSING (made without oil.)

Ingredients.—2 hard-boiled eggs, 4 tablespoonfuls of cream, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of mixed mustard, ¼ of a teaspoonful each of pepper, salt, and castor sugar.

Method.—Pound the yolks of the eggs in a mortar, then put them into a basin, and add the mustard, salt, pepper and sugar, add the cream gradually, and stir vigorously until it becomes very thick. Add the vinegar drop by drop just at the last.

Time.—About 20 minutes. Average Cost, from 6d. to 7d.

210.—SORREL SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce à l'Oseille.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of White Sauce (see page 233) a good handful of sorrel, salt and pepper.