Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/449

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(little half-moon shapes of puff-paste). Put the fillets on a dish, arrange the garnish neatly, and sauce over with the Normande sauce in which the garniture was cooked. Garnish the sides vith croûtes of bread made from rasped French dinner rolls (buttered slices browned in the oven) or with fleurons. Serve the remaining sauce separately in a boat.

Note.—If smelts are in season this dish should be garnished with a few dried smelts in addition to the other garniture.

Time.—To cook, 10 minutes. Average Cost, 4s. 3d. to 4s. 9. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons. Seasonable at any time.

648.—SOLES, FILLETS OF, POLISH STYLE. (Fr.Filets de Soles, à la Polonaise.)

Ingredients.—Soles, white wine, truffle, whiting forcemeat (No. 415), prawns or crayfish, Tomato Sauce (No. 281.)

Method.—Skin and fillet the soles, flatten them a little, fold and pare neatly, and put them in a buttered sauté-pan. Season with pepper and salt, add a wineglassful of white wine, cover with buttered paper, and cook in the oven for about 10 minutes. Have ready a buttered border mould, decorate the sides with a few fancifully-cut slices of truffles, fill up with "whiting forcemeat," poach in a bain-marie, turn out on a dish, dress the fillets on top of the border in a circular row, and place a prawn or crayfish tail on top of each fillet. Fill the centre with a salpicon of truffles, mushrooms, olives, and crayfish tails. Sauce over carefully with a well-prepared Tomato sauce, and serve.

Time.—To cook, about 10 minutes. Seasonable all the year.

649.—SOLE, ROLLED FILLETS OF, CARDINAL STYLE. (Fr.Paupiettes de Sole à la Cardinale.)

Ingredients.—2 large or 3 small soles, chopped truffles, light fish forcemeat (No. 415), 1 glass of Chablis, ¼ of a pint of fish stock, 1 gill of Cardinal sauce (No. 292), ½ a teaspoonful of Krona seasoning, lobster spawn, salt and pepper.

Method.—Skin and fillet the soles, flatten each fillet, trim, and season them with salt and pepper. Spread the cut side with a light fish forcemeat, sprinkle over some chopped truffles, and roll up the fillets in the form of olives. Place them, folded side downwards, in a buttered earthenware casserole, moisten with a glass of Chablis wine, and the fish stock. Sprinkle with ½ a teaspoonful of Krona seasoning, cover with buttered paper, and cook in a hot oven for about 15 minutes. Pour off some of the liquor, and add to it the Cardinal sauce, highly-coloured with lobster spawn, and reduce a little. Strain this over the fillets. Place a slice of truffle on each fillet of sole. Re-heat, and send to table in the casserole.