Page:Nathaniel Hawthorne (Woodbury).djvu/306

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Bright, Henry,
  his "Song of Consul Hawthorne,"
Brook Farm;
  Hawthorne at;
  broken up.
Brown, Charles Brockden, so-called
  "American predecessor"
  of Hawthorne.
Brownings, the, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett.
Bryant, William Cullen.
Buchanan, James.
Buckingham, Joseph Tinker.
Barley, Miss Susan,
  of Salem.

  Shaker Community in.
Carlyle, Thomas,
  wherein Hawthorne resembled.
Casa Bella,
  Hawthorne's residence in Florence.
Chamber under the Eaves, the.
Charming, Ellery.
Channing, William Ellery.
Choate, Rufus.
Chorley, Henry F.
Cilley, Jonathan,
  classmate of Hawthorne;
  elected to Congress;
  shot in a duel.
Clark, S. Gaylord,
  editor Knickerbocker Magazine.
Concord, Mass.,
  Hawthorne moves to Old Manse in;
  literary work in;
  hard conditions of Hawthorne's life in;
  Hawthorne settles at The Wayside in.
Cooper, James Fenimore.
Custom House, Boston.
Custom House, Salem,
  Hawthorne appointed surveyor;
  his sketch of;
  an antidote to Transcendentalism.

Democratic Review, The, Hawthorne's contributions to.
Dewey, Rev. Orville.
Dial, The, transcendental publication.
Diary, Hawthorne's first, _note_.
Dickens, Charles,
  his manner suggested in "House of the Seven Gables".
Dike, Mrs. Priscilla Manning.
Duyckinck, Evert Augustus.
Dwight, Mrs. William (Eliza White).

Emerson, Ralph Waldo,
  his visit to Sophia Peabody;
  relations with Hawthorne.
Everett, Edward.

Faërie Queene, The,
  Hawthorne's first book purchase.
Fairfield, Senator John,
  meets Hawthorne at Portsmouth Navy Yard.
Farley, Frank.
Fesseuden, Thomas Green.
Fields, James T.,
  his wise suggestion;
  good advice;
  Hawthorne writes to, from Montaüto;
  from Rome;
  regarding dedication to "Life of Franklin Pierce";
  about "The Dolliver Romance".
Fuller, Margaret,
  Hawthorne's hard judgment of.

Gardner family, the.
Giddings family, the.
Goodrich, Samuel Griswold,
  "Peter Parley";
  his "Recollections," quoted;
  transactions with Hawthorne;
  Hawthorne's ungenerous view of.
Graham's Magazine,
  Hawthorne's contributions to.
Graves, William J.,
  his duel with Jonathan Cilley.
"Greenwood, Grace" (Sara Jane Lippincott),
  Hawthorne's comment on.
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot.

Hathorne, family stock of.
Hathorne, Daniel,
  of Revolutionary ballad fame.
Hathorne, Judge John,
  of witchcraft memory.