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to give us trouble, and on one occasion it took us a considerable time to reach the top of a lofty range.

On arriving there, we had the mortification to see immediately in front a still higher and steeper one, with a long, dark, longitudinal valley, through which a torrent roared intervening. Turning my head somewhat impatiently from the scene to the plump face of Septimus, I was surprised to notice the concerned look there; however, it was only for a moment, and I soon dispelled the idea, if indeed I ever entertained it, of Septimus Robinson being afraid. We decided to rest here for a time, and commenced to prepare our meal, Septimus in the meantime remarking, in a casual manner, that our supply of tea and sugar was getting low. The meal being over, we lit our pipes and had a smoke, then slept, as was our custom, on our backs in the shade of a tree, with the hat drawn over the eyes, and legs crossed. How long I slept I cannot say; probably longer than usual, for I was very tired. But judge my astonishment, on waking, to find Septimus missing. I looked carefully about, in the hope that he might be still in the neighbourhood, and even shouted out to him. However, it soon became evident that Septimus