Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/31

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( 21 )

We reſerve the nation, however, the right of electing to the Throne any other houſe or family, after the extinction of the firſt.

Every King, on his acceſſion to the Throne, ſhall take a ſolemn oath to God and the Nation, to ſupport the preſent conſtitution, to fulfil the pacta conventa, which will be ſettled with the preſent Elector of Saxony, as appointed to the Crown, and which ſhall bind him in the ſame manner as former ones.

The King’s perſon is ſacred and inviolable; as no act can proceed immediately from him, he cannot be in any manner reſponſible to the nation; he is not an abſolute monarch, but the father, and the head of the people; his revenues, as fixed by the pacta conventa, ſhall be ſacredly pre-
