Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/35

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the law of nation, and particularly in caſe of a neighbouring war.

2d. In caſe of an internal commotion, menacing with the revolution of the country, or of a colliſion between Magiſtratures.

3d. In an evident danger of general famine.

4th. In the orphan ſtate of the country, by demiſe of the King, or in caſe of the King’s dangerous illneſs.

All the reſolutions of the Council of Inſpection are to be examined by the rules above mentioned.

The King’s opinion, after that of every member in the Council has been heard, ſhall deciſively prevail.

Every reſolution of this Council ſhall be iſſued under the King’s ſignature, counterſigned by one of the Miniſters ſitting
