Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/19

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on some buſineſs which you only can adjuſt.—You will permit me to aſſure you, that it is with the greateſt pleaſure I embrace this opportunity of teſtifying with what profound regard, I am, Sir,

Your moſt faithful Servant, F. S.


From a Father to his Son, advising him to be
cautious in contracting a Friendship.

dear tom,
From a perſuaſion of my ſuperiority in knowledge and experience, as the effect of ſeniority in years, you will, I preſume, attend to my opinion and advice in every important particular that concerns your conduct in life; amongſt others, I would recommend to you, now you are entering upon the theatre of the world, the greateſt caution in the choice of a friend, as a point that most eſſentially concerns your intereſt and welfare. In this choice the chief regard ſhould be had to moral character, as the only foundation for hope, and expectation of deriving benefit from the connection. I know the maſk of friendſhip is too frequently aſſumed to perpetrate the most inſidious purposes, and its ſacred name uſurped to veil the darkeſt deſigns; which is a conſideration neceſſary to be obſerved in the formation of our friendſhips.—Suddenly contracted, they are generally the effect of a depraved heart on one ſide, and a weak head on the other: and no friendſhip can be beneficial or permanent but that which has virtue for its baſis.—You will attend to theſe hints, as proceeding from Your affectionate Father.