Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/22

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( 22 )

ſtreet, particularly my mother, with whom I now live. Your aunt will inform you concerning our family, and if it is to your ſatiſfaction, I ſhall not only conſider myſelf as extremely happy, but ſhall alſo make it the principal ſtudy of any future life to ſpend my days in the company of her whom I do prefer to all others in the world. I ſhall wait for your anſwer with the utmoſt impatience, and am, Madam,

Your real admirer, T. L.


I received your Letter laſt night, and as it was on a ſubject I had not yet any thoughts of, you will not wonder when I tell you, I was good deal ſurprized. Altho' I have ſeen you at different times, yet I had not the moſt diſtant thoughts of your making me propoſals of ſuch a nature. Some of your ſex have often aſſerted that women are fond of flattery and mightily pleaſed to be praiſed: I ſhall therefore ſuppoſe it true, and excuſe you for thoſe fulſome encomiuns beſtowed upon me in our Letter; but am afraid, was I to comply with your propoſals, you would ſoon be convinced that the charms you mention, and ſeem to value ſo much, are merely exterior appearances, which, like the ſummer's flower, will very ſoon fade, and all thoſe mighty profeſſions of love will end at laſt either in indifference, or, which is worſe, diſguſt. You deſire me to enquire of my aunt concerning your character