Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/5

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The title of Honourable is likewiſe conferred on ſuch perſons at have the King's commiſſion, and upon gentlemen who enjoy place of (illegible text)

The title of Right Honourable is conferred on on thoſe who are members of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council, and the three Lord Mayors of London, York, and Dublin, and the Lord Provoſt of Edinburgh, during their office.

It is uſual to call a Baronet and a Knight, Honourable, and their wives Ladies.

To be Parliament.

To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament assembled, My Lords, or, May it please your Lordships.

To the Right Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgeſſes, in Parliament aſſembled, Gentlemen, or, May it please your Honours.

To the Right Hourable F. C. Esq. Speaker of the Houſe of Commons, who is generally one of his Majeſty's Moſt Honourable Privy Council,—Sir.

To the Clergy.

To the Right Reverend Father in God, W. Lord Archbiſhop of Canterbury,—My Lord, or, Your Grace.

To the Right Reverend Father in God, W. Lord Biſhop of S—, My Lord.

To the Reverend A. B. D. D. Dean of C—, or Archdeacon, or Chancellor of D—, or Prebendary, &c. Reverend Doctor, Mr. Dean, Rev. Sir, &c.

All Rectors, Vicars, Curates, Lecturers, and Clergymen, or other inferior denominations, are ſtiled Reverends.

The Officers of his Majesties Household

Are adreſſed recording to their rank or quality, as, My Lord Steward, My Lord Chamberlain,