Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/6

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Mr. Vice Chamberlain, &c. and in all ſuperſcriptions of Letters, which relate to gentlemen's employment; their ſtyle of office ſhould never be omitted.

To the Commiſſioners and Officers of the Civil Liſt.

To the Right Honourable R. Earl of G. Lord Privy Seal, or Lord Preſident of the Council, or Lord Great Chamberlain; Earl Marſhal of England, one of his Majeſty's Principle Secretaries of State, &c. My Lord, or, Your Lordships.

The Commiſſioners of the Cuſtoms, Exciſe, Stamp-Office, Salt-Duty, Navy, &c. muſt be ſtiled Honourable.

To the Army or Navy.

To the army, all Noblemen are filed according to their rank, to which is added their employ.

To the Honourable A. B. Eſq. Lieutenant-General, Major-General, Brigadier General of his Majeſty's Forces, Sir, your Honour.

To the Right Honourable J. Earl of S—, Captain of His Majeſty's firſt Troop of Horſe-Guards, Band of Gentlemen Penſioners, Band of Yeomen of the Guards, &c. My Lord, your Lordship.

All Colonels are ſtiled Honourable; all inferior Officers ſhould have the name of their employment ſet at firſt; as, To Major M. W. To Captain W.T. &c.

In the Navy, all Admirals are ſtiled Honourable and Noblemen according to their quality and office. The other Officers according to their different rank in the army.

To Ambassadors, Secretaries, and Consuls.

Ambaſſadors have the title of Excellency added to their qualities; as have alſo al Plenipotentiaries, foreign Governors, and the Lord Juſtices of Ireland;