Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/373

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night a rumbling noise like that of drums was heard in the East. Some said that the island of Idzu[1] had increased of itself on two sides, the north and west, to the extent of more than 300 rods, and that a new island had been formed. The noise like that of drums was the sound made by the gods in constructing this island.

16th day. Presents were made to the Princes and Ministers.

11th month, 1st day. The title of Ason was granted to fifty-two houses,[2] viz. Oho-miha no Kimi, Oho-Kasuga no Omi, Abe no Omi, Kose no Omi, Kashihade no Omi, Ki no Omi, Hata no Omi, Mononobe no Muraji, Heguri no Omi, Sazakibe no Omi, Nakatomi no Muraji, Ohoyake no Omi, Ahata no Omi, Ishikaha no Omi, Sakarawi no Omi, Uneme no Omi,(XXIX. 50.)  Tanaka no Omi, Woharida no Omi, Hodzumi no Omi, Yamashiro no Omi, Kamo no Kimi, Wono no Omi, Kahahe no Omi, Iwi no Omi, Kakimoto no Omi, Karobe no Omi, Waka-zakurabe no Omi, Kishida no Omi, Takamuko no Omi, Shishi-bito no Omi, Kume no Omi, Inugami no Kimi, Kamidzukenu no Kimi, Tsunu no Omi, Hoshikaha no Omi, Oho no Omi, Munagata no Kimi, Kuruma-mochi no Kimi, Aya no Kimi, Shimoji no Omi, Iga no Omi, Abe no Omi, Hayashi no Omi, Hami no Omi, Shimodzukenu no Kimi, Sami no Kimi, Chi-mori no Omi, Ohono no Kimi, Sakamoto no Omi, Ikeda no Kimi, Tamate no Omi, and Kasa no Omi.

3rd day. The Governor of the province of Tosa reported that owing to a great tide which rose high, and an overflowing rush of sea-water, many of the ships used for conveying tribute had been sunk and lost.[3]

21st day. At dusk the seven stars drifted together to the North-east and sank.[4]

23rd day. At sunset a star fell in the quarter of the East as

  1. The volcanic island off the entrance to Yedo Bay, known to foreigners as Vries Island.
  2. A considerable step. Ason was the 2nd class, Omi the 6th, and Muraji the 7th.
  3. A tidal wave is no doubt referred to, perhaps an accompaniment of the earthquake above described.
  4. The seven stars are the stars of the Northern Bushel, as the Chinese call Charles' Wain.