Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/379

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Masuda no Atahe, a lay member of the Buddhist Church,[1] were sent to Mino to make an infusion of Wokera.[2] They were accordingly given presents of coarse silk, floss silk, and cloth.

10th day. Tarise, Karobe no Ason, Nihinomi, Takada no Obito,[3] and Maro, Aredawo no Muraji, were sent to Shinano with instructions to prepare a temporary Palace. The intention probably was that the Emperor should visit the hot springs of Tsukama.

12th day. Prince Hatsuse of Jō-dai-shi rank, Uma-kahi, Kose no Ason, of Jiki-kwō-shi rank, with Hangwan and inferior officers to the number of twenty persons in all, were appointed to carry out the works[4] in the Home provinces.

17th day. Prince Ise and his colleagues went again to the Eastern provinces. They accordingly received presents of upper garments and trousers.

In this month the "Kongō-hanya[5] Sutra" was expounded in the Palace.

11th month, 2nd day, Ten thousand kin of store-iron were (XXIX. 58.) sent to the prefecture[6] of Suwo. On the demand of the Viceroy of Tsukushi the following store[7] articles were sent down to Tsukushi, viz. 100 hiki of coarse silk, 100 kin of raw silk, 300 tan of cloth, 400 pieces of tax-cloth, 10,000 kin of iron, and 2000 bundles of bamboos for making arrows.

4th day. The Emperor gave orders to the provinces in all quarters, saying:—"All such things as great and small horns, drums, fifes, flags, crossbows,[8] and stone-throwing engines should not be kept in private houses; they should all be stored in the Government house of the district."

  1. Ubasoku, the Sanskrit Upâsaka. The title of Atahe seems to have been abolished by the edict given, XXIX. 48, and it is not found in the original text. The "Shūkai" editor has inserted it here, and something of the kind is evidently required.
  2. A medicinal plant, the Atractylis Ovata. Hepburn.
  3. Another title abolished by the edict on XXIX. 48.
  4. The construction of a temporary palace, says the "Shūkai."
  5. Sanskrit, "Vadjra Pradjñâ."
  6. The term used means "the place of general control." It occurs here for the first time.
  7. From the Government stores. The use of coin was still very restricted, and remittances took such forms as this.
  8. Large crossbows are meant, which it required several men to handle.