Page:Ningpo to Shanghai.djvu/21

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Ningpo District.

has been conferred;—succeeding steps by the same means;—so that, in reality, he who can extort with the greatest ability is the man most likely to make his way. The present Governor of Hang-chow, a detestor of foreigners, is a remarkable instance of this. Brought up in full view of the machinery of Government at Foo chow fu where his father held an office only a step removed from that of a runner, and barely enabled to compete at the literary examintions by reason of want of qualification, (no child of a runner of a Government office being permitted to present himself for three generations,) he has been able to raise himself,—and no doubt but he is a man of great energy—to his present high position. But these are the men who form the great bars to China's progress. Once in office they extort right and left—the man with the longest purse, so able to buy office and play counter foil, being the only party likely to be satisfied with the system—a system which, throughout, flourishes on its own rottenness.

In Haou loong there is not one opium smoker. Infanticide (Female) is practised occasionally by the poorer people, but the practice is deprecated. Not far distant from the village is a Monastery, to which tradition assigns the residence of a dragon, but the animal has not been seen lately. Seven from Haou loong a Sou' sou' Westerly direction is the village of Wan chè, of 100 families, and four further on, the village of Neu ang koe. The scenery in this neighbourhood is very pleasing,—the hills being covered with lofty firs, here and there varied with groups of waving bamboos, which, at a distance, appear like wreaths of cloud on a dark back ground.

Tow vow yuen is a small place one mile from Neu ang koe, and five further, still in a sou'