Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 6.djvu/349

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12 s. vi. JUNE 12, i92o.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 113.

NOTES: Printing House Square Papers: III. Delano's Journal of his Visit to America (i.), 285 Irish Family History: Tone of Bodenstown, 2SS An English Army List of 1740, 290 Centenary of Burlington Arcade Imra- pen : Baden in Switzerland, 292 An Old Westminster Scholar" Bloody "Royal Oak Day : or Shick Shack Day, 293.

QUERIES : Waggon Master Death of Napoleon Menteitb Old China Thomas Maslet (or Meslet) Thomas Lupton Inscriptions in City Churches Col. Watson, 294 "Calkers " : " Clogs" Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges Florentius Vassel Tovey Major William Parry Monkey's Wine Price Family Dock-leaves and Nettle-stings " Flocks " and " Herds," 29 i Diets of the Swiss Confederation Voltaire's ' Candida ' Frank Barber, Dr. Johnson's Black Servant Baron Taylor- Diocesan Calendars and Gazettes Author: A. H. G. Major John Bernardi Authors of Quotations Wanted, 296.

"REPLIES : Amber Emerson's 'English Traits,' 297 Inns of Court in Elizibeth's Reign Moorflelds Grand- father Clock: Date Wanted "The Oxford Blues" "Stunning" 3. Symmons of Pacldington House Battle Bridge Cinders and Moscow, 293 Niches in Cnurch- yard Crosses William Ellis, Engraver Bibliography of International Law A "Chinese" Gordon Epitaph, 299 Guy Roslyn Nursery Tales and the Bible Latin as an International Language Hunger Strike Browne: Small : Wrench : Macbride, 300 Parish Mark- Trent Portrait of the " Duke of Pentwezel" FolK-Lore of the Elder, 301 Was Dr. Johnson a Smoker ? Curious Surnames" Bellum" Loreof the Cane Petley Family, 302 Harris, a Spanish Jesuit "Correspondence Schools" Grundy Family Raymond, 303.

WOTE3 OH BOOKS: ' Life and Labour in the Nine- teenth Century' 'S.P.E. : Tract No. IIL : a few Prac- tical Suggestions.'

-Cowper's Summer-house at Olney.

Notices to Correspondents.



IN 1856, the Crimean war over, Delane -went on a short trip to Canada and the United States for a holiday. This incident in his life occupies several pages of Mr. Dasent's biography, where it is illustrated by letters which Delane wrote home ; but it is dismissed summarily by Sir Edward Cook who merely remarks that " the American press did not please Delane." Neither biographer makes any mention of the journal which Delane kept during the trip; but this document is preserved 'at

Printing House Square, and the opening portion of it is now published here for the first time. The rest will be given in in- stalments.

Mr. Dasent records that Delano's inten- tion had been to go to America with Sir Henry Holland, but the arrangement fell through and he took Laurence Oliphant out with him as a travelling companion. From the journal it appears that Delane went reluctantly. He left Liverpool in the Niagara on Sept. 27, and he arrived back in England on Nov. 15. The voyage out, which is described with much particularity, lasted until Oct. 8, when the vessel first touched land at Halifax, N.S.

The present instalment takes the traveller down to the point just before land was sighted. One gathers from the appearance of the manuscript and from a reference in one of the later entries, that the journal was not kept punctually day by day, and this will account for occasional discrepancies in the dates ; these are indicated by corrections enclosed in square brackets.

Delano's companion on the voyage, Lau- rence Oliphant (1829-1888) had been shortly before the special correspondent of The Times in the Trans -Caucasian campaign under Omar Pasha, and he was again a correspondent of The Times in the Franco - German war. His career is well known. On the present occasion, to quote the article on him in the ' D.N.B.' :

He travelled through the Southern States to New Orleans, and there joined the filibuster Walker. His motive, he says, was partly the fun of the thing, and in some degree an offer of con- fiscated estates if the expedition should succeed. The expedition fell in with H.M.S. Cossack at the mouth of the St. Juan river. Her captain. Cock- burn, came on board, declared his determination to prevent a fight, and carried off Oliphant, who had admitted himself to be a British subject. Oliphant was made welcome as a guest on board the Cossack, and, after a few excursions, returned to England.

Oliphant' s belief in spiritualism, which subsequently proved an embarrassment to his friends, may perhaps be recalled here in view of the spiritualist lecture which Delane records on board ship. The diary may now be left to speak for itself :

Niagara, Irish Channel, Sept. 27

As this journal is only intended to be read by a very few intimate friends, I will begin by the confession that the trip in which it originates would never have been made had I been able decently to back out of it any time during the present month. Having however proposed the trip, and it having been talked about much more