Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/172

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. MARCH i, 1902.

P. 268 b. The Durham degree was p.C.L.,

n Pp. 330-2. Sir Henry Goodyer. There are three epigrams in John Owen's collections, one being on the death of his wife.

P. 445. "Present." In other places after- wards " has been used.

Vol. III.

P. 1. Bishop W. How. See Durham Univer- sity Journal, xii. 414, 428.

Pp. 62-3. Samuel Kettlewell. See Durham University Journal, x. 197-8.

P. 78, Dean Lake. See more of him m Durham University Journal, xii. 464 ; xiii. 48, and elsewhere.

P. 78 a, 1. 2 from foot. For ' court s read courts.

P. 78 b, 1. 17. For " Katherine " read Katha- rine.

P. 91. Mr. Lenihan was a contributor to < N. & Q.' See 8 th S. ix. 40.

P. 215 b, Vergil ; 216 b, Virgil.

P. 216 b, 1. 10 from foot. Correct press.

Pp 221-3. F. W. Newman. See Athenceum, 9 October, 1897 ; ' N. & Q.,' 9 th S. i. 251.

P. 293. Sims Reeves. The Illustrated London Neivs, 11 December, 1847, p. 388, has a por- trait of him as Edgardo.

P. 374. Sir Arthur Sullivan. See Illus- trated London Neivs, 12 April, 1862, p. 365.

P. 397 a, last line. For " Bishopsthorpe " read Bishopthorpe.

P. 507 b. Mary Ward's inscription at Osoaldwick is as follows : " Toloue the poore perseuer in the same liue dy and Rise with them was all the ayme of Mary Ward who Hauing Lived 60 years and 8 days dyed the 20 of Jan. 1645."

Throughout the ' Dictionary ' the exact dates and places of the consecration of bishops, and the names of the conse- crators, might well have been added. In many of the biographies it is not stated where the person spent the bulk of his life. "University College" is often mentioned without the needful addition of " London," a tiresome and pretentious way of writing, not a little ridiculous in the eyes of Oxford men. The stupid phrase "ill-health" occurs time.' out of count. W. C. B.

HOLTS AT WINCHESTER. In the life in the 'D.N.B.,' vol. xxvii. p. 202, of Sir John Holt (1642-1710), the famous Chief Justice of the King's Bench, it is stated that he was "educated at Abingdon Grammar School, Winchester College, and Oriel College! Oxford"; but, so far as Winchester is con- cerned, this statement is not supported by

the authority cited for it, Wood's 'Athense 3xon.,' iv. 505. I cannot find any record that Sir John Holt was a Wykehamist, and sus- pect that the statement in the * Dictionary ' .s erroneous. Can any reader throw light upon this matter ?

The statement is possibly due to confusion between Sir John Holt and the Mr. Holt, M.P., who on 18 June, 1689, upon the question whether Sir Edward Herbert should be excepted from the Bill of Indemnity, informed the House that he had his education at Winchester College with Herbert, and pleaded in vain for his old schoolfellow (Cobbett's Parl. Hist.,' v. 336). Mr. Cotton Minchin, in 'Our Public Schools.' identifies this member with Henry Holt, Winchester scholar 1660 (Kirby). But according to the * Return of Members,' the only Holt then in the House was Richard Holt, M.P. for Lymington, Hants. I should be grateful for particulars of this Richard Holt. He is not mentioned in Mr. Kirby 's ' Scholars,' and I therefore suppose that he was a commoner at Winchester.

The above Henry Holt was a soldier who, after acting as adjutant of the Holland Regiment, became colonel of the Duke of Bolton's Regiment on service in the West Indies. He was afterwards colonel of a regi- ment of marines, and rose to be lieutenant- general (see Dalton's 'English Army Lists'). He died in Cecil Street, Strand, on 19 Decem- ber, 1714 (Le Neve's 'Monuments,' 293). In 1699 he married Lucy Hare, of Docking, Norfolk (Harl. Soc. Publ., xxiv. 234), who proved his will (P.C.C , 25 Fagg). The probate shows that Mr. Kirby's statement that Henry Holt was knighted is incorrect. Who were his parents 1 H. C.

GEORGES I.-IV. (See ante, p. 100.)-There is a version of the lines which opens more crisply than the one here cited :

Vile as George the First was reckoned, Viler still was George the Second.


"DOUBLE JOES." It has been stated in some of the daily papers that an enterprising American, immediately on the issue of King Edward VII. 's stamp, addressed 10,000 letters to himself with Queen Victoria's stamp and Edward VII.'s stamp, under one post-mark, dated 1 January, 1902. These treasures he is retailing at a dollar each, and the trade name is " Double Joes," a name that was formerly given to gold coins of Ferdinand and Isabella with the heads of both sove- reigns on the face. " Double Joes " can still be manufactured, but they can no longer be