Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/512

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Poor Indians—1st anniversary of the landing of vera cruz—death of gen. valencia—account of a bull fight in mexico—lieuts. hare and dutton of the 2d regiment Pennsylvania volunteers accused of murdering a banker—1 st anniversary of the battle of cerro gordo—a holy thursday—the poor lepero—gens. paredas, almonta and bustamento—great excitement on account of prospect peace—taking up the dead—bill of fare—how coffee is made—lieuts. hake and dutton sentenced to be hung—another visit to the city—a treat with a high-tonned senor—rare history of mexico—montezumas the ninth ruler of mexico; his life—a treaty of peace signed, causing great excitement and joy among the soldiers—lieuts. hare and dutton pardoned, but are to be kept under arrest until they land at new orleans.

Saturday, February 26, 1848.—This morning we got a mail from the city, and I received one letter from a schoolmate of mine.

At noon a party of us started for a place called Indian Town, and settled altogether with the original Aztecs, and mixed races. The villa has the appearances of poverty, built up with huts and a few Indian temples, where they worship in the original Indian style.

They say that Cortez, or his priests, never came that way to inspire the new religion among them, simply because they had no gold to pay for it, nor any to steal from them.

There are several opinions concerning these Indians, who were the first settlers of the new world, though no positive facts points them out. There are theories, not without weight of circumstantial evidence, that the lost tribes of Israel were the founders of the cities whose ruins strew Mexico and
