Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/202

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“Why should I now in contest with the foe
“Less strength in you behold than then? Your might
“Upon this hound (pursued the monarch) show;
“This hound who preys on man.—A generous sprite
“The thought of death—approach lie fast or slow—
“So that he dies but well, holds cheap and light.
“But where you are, I doubt my fortune ill,
“For by your succour, have I conquered still.”


This said, he spurred his courser, couched his spear,
And charged the paynim; nor of life less free,
Sir Ogier joined the king in his career;
Namus and Oliver; and, with the three,
Avino, Avolio, Otho, and Berlinghier;
(For one without the rest I never see)
And on the bosom, flanks, and on the front,
All smote together at King Rodomont.


But let us, sir, for love of Heaven, forego
Of anger and of death the noisome lore;
And be it deemed that I have said enow,
For this while, of that Saracen, not more
Cruel than strong; ’tis time in trace to go
Of Gryphon, left with Origille, before
Damascus’ gate, and him who with her came,
The adulterer, not the brother of the dame.