can go every where. It is she. How beautiful! Let us be bewitching.
Jupiter buzzing around Eurydicea.
Eu., rising. By a soft quivering
My shoulders are caressed.
Ju.I must play my part well.
Not a word; from this time
My rights are limited to buzzing.
Eu.What a beautiful fly!
How beautiful it hums!
Ju., aside. My song touches her.
Let us sing my song.
Eu.How beautifully it hums!
Beautiful insect, with golden wings,
Wilt thou my companion be?
Thou came here without leave
To meet me in my prison.
Do not leave, I pray thee!
Remain; I will care for thee,
Will love thee. Darling fly,
Remain with me.
Ju.When one seeks to be adored
He must not show willingness.
Eu., hastening. I catch him by his golden wings.
Ju.Not yet.
Escapes and jumps on a sofa.
Eu.Ah, wicked one,
All he cares is to fly away.
Still, I will catch him
By his brilliant wings.
Ju.I have wings, my darling;
Why should I not use them?
You must use patience
Until I allow you to catch me.
Eu.It is vain for you try
And evade my pursuit.