Page:Orphée aux Enfers (Chicago 1868).djvu/29

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Orphee aux Enfers.

Jo., (mechanically.) Vergiss mein nicht. . .

Pl. Nothing! nothing! (Voice of Eurydicea singing, Beautiful insect with golden wings.) Oh! that voice, it is the voice of Eurydicea. She has not gone yet. Cerberus! Caro! Double your watch! guard the entrances! Corne with me, John.

John, sings coolly, and mezzo voce the end of his song. When I was King of Beotia . . . .

Plu. Again! But this is not a man; it is a hurdy-gurdy. Away? I will see you no more! . . . . (Stamps his foot with impatience. John disappears through the floor, still singing. Pluto pushes him with rage, imitating the organ-grinders' movements.)


The Infernal RegionsThe Styx in the background.


All the Gods, Eurydicea in Bacchant's costume. All the Olympian Gods, united with the infernal deities, are banqueting.


Hail to the wine! Long live Pluto!
We pity him who sings not for that.
The divine phalanx,
Transported by the old wine,
Sings to the Deity
His dear abode
Will become our new home.
Friends, life is appreciated nowhere
So well as down below!
Hail to the wine! Long live Pluto!
We pity him who sings not for that.

Jup., to Eurydicea. Come, dearest Bacchant,
Mortal who rivals Venus,
Sing with thy charming voice;
Sing thy hymn to Bacchus!
All.Sing! Sing!
Beautiful Bacchant!


Eu.I have seen the god Bacchus on his fertile rock,