Page:Our Hymns.djvu/384

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Elven has not published any works in prose or poetry, but has contributed numerous articles to periodicals.



THIS eminent city minister, who is a prince amongst thinkers, and who is not unknown to the general public, is an influential Congregational minister, and a conspicuous ornament of the denomination to which he belongs. For nearly forty years he has drawn around him, at his well-known chapel in the metropolis, many of the most earnest and thoughtful amongst the opening minds of the time ; and not a few Christian ministers and other men of influence attribute to Mr. Binney, under God, their first spiritual impulse and their subsequent moral moulding and nurture, and the denomination to which he belongs has found in him an able and willing friend of its institutions. Especially in the Colonial Missionary Society, and in the Con gregational Union, have his advocacy and assistance been found most valuable. In the latter movement, he took a deep interest at its commencement in 1831, and he was chairman for the year in 1848.

Thomas Binney was born of humble parentage, about the year 1798, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, where he was in his youth occupied in a shop. He received his education for the ministry at Wymondley College. His first pastorate was at Newport, Isle of Wight, where he commenced his labours as a Congregational minister in 1823. Thence he removed in 1829 to undertake his life-work as pastor of the " King s Weigh House Chapel," then in Eastcheap. The new King s Weigh House, Fish- street-hill, was erected in 1834. Mr. Binney s life has been diversified by two important visits. In 1845 he paid a visit to America and the Canadas, and in 1857 he went for a visit of nearly two years to Australia, being attracted thither in part by the settlement of

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