Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/498

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Whig and whey whilst thou lust,

And bramble-berries, Pie-lid and pastry-crust,

Pears, plums, and cherries. Xhy raiment shall be thin, Made of a weevil'b skin Yet all 's not worth a pin!

Phillada flouts me.

��In the last month of May

I made her posies; I heard her often say

That she loved roses. Cowslips and gillyflowers

And the white lily I brought to deck the bowers

For my sweet Philly. But she did all disdain, And threw them back again ; Therefore 'tis flat and plain

Phillada flouts me.

��Fair maiden, have a care,

And in time take me, I can have those as fair

If you forsake me: For Doll the dairy-maid

Laugh'd at me lately, And wanton Winifred

Favours be greatly.

�� �