Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/922

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Til turn about and backward go,

If I meet again that Blackamoor,

And he'll help us then, for he shall know

I seek another paramour.

And we'll gang once more to yon town,

Wi' better luck to yon town; We'll walk in silk and cramoisie, And I shall wed the provost's son

For I was born a crown'd king's child,

Born and nursed a king's child, King o' a land ayont the sea, Where the Blackamoor kiss'd me first, And taught me art and glamourie.

Each one in her wame shall hide

Her hairy mouse, her wary mouse, Fed on madwort and agramie, Wear amber beads between her breasts, And blind-worm's skin about her knee.

The Lombard shall be Elspie's man,

Elspie's gowden husband-man; Nort shall take the lawyer's hand; The priest shall swear another vow: We'll dance again the saraband!

cramoisie] crimson. ayont] beyond. glamourie]


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