Page:Paradisus Londinensis 1(2).djvu/54

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Osier-like Coronilla.

Leguminosæ. Juss. Gen. p. 363.

Sect. VIII. Corolla papilionacea. Stamina 10, diadelpha. Legumen articulatum, articulis-monospermis. Folia simplicia, ant ternata, aut sæpius impari-pinnata. Stipulæ a petiolo distinctæ.

Calyx compressus dorso carinato: labio superiore 2-dentato, inferiore 3-fido. Corollæ vexillum ecallosum lateribus reduplicatis: Alæ super Carinam parum convolutæ, inflatæ. Pericarpium gracile, stylo persistente acuminatum. Semina cylindracea. Herbæ aut suffrutices. Folia impariter pinnata. Pedunculi axillares, umbellatim multiflori. Genus mihi videtur, ut olim magno Tournefortio, a Securidacâ et Emero, prorsus distinctum.

*Caulis suffruticosus.

C. caule vix angulato; foliolis 6-10-jugis, plus minus obovatis retusisque cum mucrone, glaucis; umbellis 6-10-floris; pericarpiis 1ongissimis, sursum arcuatis.

Sponte nascentem juxta Mogadore, legit P.M.A. Broussonet.

Floret apud nos a Maio, in Novembrem.

The seeds of this Coronilla were sent to me by the indefatigable Botanist above mentioned in the year 1798, soon after he had collected them. That it might not be lost among us, I communicated them to Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, by whose labours so many new plants are not only introduced but increased in this country. I am surprised to find it omitted in Desfontaine's rich and valuable Flora Atlantica. No plant is more easy to cultivate in a greenhouse, for cuttings easily strike root, and its seeds ripen every year. The stem is nearly quite round. The Leaves vary considerably in size; and the Flowers, like most of this genus, gradually change their colour from a pale to a deeper purple.


1,2. The Vexillum.
3. The Alæ.
4. The Carina.
5. The Anthers and Germen.
6. The Stigma magnified.